Expectant Parents – It’s Your Choice!

In the early stages of an unexpected pregnancy, you may be so understandably upset or confused that you find it difficult to focus on the decisions you must soon make for yourself and your unborn child.
The experienced staff at Family Creations is here to help you, and those closest to you, work through the fears and uncertainties usually experienced in an unexpected pregnancy, and work through your options.
Many expectant parents initially consider only two options–abortion or parenting. There is another option…adoption.
We at Family Creations are here to offer you free, confidential education and counseling about the process of adoption.
What we offer
Family Creations wants to assist you in any way possible. We will:
- Offer real help with kind hearts
- Not judge or lecture you
- Not pressure you to make a decision
- Talk about your options
- Answer your questions
- Support you while you think your way through your situation
- Counsel and provide therapy through the process
The basic question you must consider is whether you are ready now to be a parent to the baby you are carrying. The answer is different for everyone because it depends on your own unique experiences, personality, and circumstances. We want to help you turn this difficult situation in a positive experience.

If I’m Pregnant… What is the Best Choice for ME?
Below are questions that expectant parents need to ask themselves:
- How will I be able to take care of my baby and myself?
- What are my strengths and my weaknesses?
- How much can I truly rely on my baby’s father for emotional/ financial support?
- Is he a person I can parent with, whether we are/get married or not?
- What is my family willing/able to do to help me parent my child?
- Do I want, at this time of my life, to take the responsibility for another life?
- Am I an adult? Have I finished my growing up?
To make sure you work through these questions as honestly as possible, write down detailed responses to each one. If you get stuck, call us. We are good listeners and supporters.
Yes, we believe in adoption as a loving choice, but we believe first that IT’S YOUR CHOICE!